Our Services
COtL offer a unique set of skills:
- Establishment of weather monitoring networks (‘mesonets’).
- Ongoing operation, maintenance and management of weather monitoring networks:
- Particular expertise in regard to mesonets for spray drift management including:
- Detection of hazardous and non-hazardous spray conditions (including hazardous and non-hazardous inversions).
- Estimation of hazardous and non-hazardous inversions via machine learning.
- Forecasts of hazardous and non-hazardous inversions.
- Liaison with various agricultural grower groups.
- Partnerships with academic and research organisations.
Observations Provided
The COtL Mesonet can accommodate an in-depth range of different observations from many types of sensors. Our current networks monitor the following:
- Hazardous Inversions
- Temperature
- Relative Humidity
- Barometric Pressure
- Wind Speed and Direction at 2m
- Wind Speed and Direction at 10m
- Vertical Temperature Difference (10m – 1.2m)
- Rainfall (tipping bucket)
- Solar Radiation
From these sensors, a range of useful metrics can be determined such as:
- Grass Fire Danger Index (GFDI), FBI, and Grain Harvesting Code of Practice values (GHCoP)
- Dew Point
- Delta-T
- Wind Gust speeds (at 2m and 10m)
- Frost metrics (i.e. time below minimum temperature threshold)
- Daily/Monthly/Yearly rainfall
- Crop Science (i.e. degree growing days)
- Machine learning 2-hour predictions
Our stations are configured such that different sensors can easily be added in future, such as soil moisture loggers and other sensors.